July 27, 2011

Getting extra books on a bookshelf

Stacked books as bookends (2)At least in my family, we tend to have more books than we can fit on the bookshelves we have. When I inherited the 5 bookshelves to put in my room as I wrote about earlier, I thought I might be set and had escaped the overflowing bookshelves. But then as I gathered my books from around the house, I discovered that I still had too many books to fit in organized way to put on normally. So, I had to get creative as to how to fit more books on the shelf.

One way is always to stack books sideways when they aren’t as high as the shelves which I did use as you can see above that doubled for

bookends or like this on another family bookshelf:

Stacked books

But I wanted all of my books to be uniform directionally, so I had to get more creative. One thing I did was I had these books that there were a few of that were short, so I stacked them:

Double high books

Then I had these biographies that were very narrow, so I put two rows of them, one in front of the other:

Double books

The other thing I did was to place some rarely used books hiding behind the other books (not the best, but it keeps the books handy, and organized):

hidden book

Does anyone else have good idea as to how to keep more than normal amount of books?

I'm linking up to:



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